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Whip Mix Insights: Managing People!

The people side of managing a lab seems to be a constant challenge for many owners. While some have been quite successful, the people side of the business remains a mystery. So what does the owner need to know, or be aware of? Think about these basic ideas to get your lab moved up the pyramid:

Problem Solving; a 3 Phased Approach

Problem solving can be difficult and frustrating – especially in a dental laboratory, given the number of product and technique considerations. The best way to approach it is to use a 3-Phased Approach, which lets you focus and organize.

Whip Mix Insights: The Lean Advantage – Now is the time!

Whip Mix adopted Lean principles and implemented various continuous improvement initiatives and found that doing so, there has been a marked improvement in our efficiency and profitability.
Read this blog for an introduction to Lean Principles and see how they will help your lab. be more efficient.