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Shared CE Opportunities with Lab and Dentist

Whip Mix Webinars are great sharing opportunities for technicians and dentists. Shared information is vital to success in both the laboratory and the operatory. Take advantage of the many educational opportunities where technicians can join with dentists to help meet their mutual expectations.

Temperature, Chemistry, and Physics

We all know that hot air rises and cool air sinks. While we adjust to those conditions naturally and without much thought, what about our temperature-sensitive materials in our dental labs? This blog brings temperature, chemistry and physics – and how they co-exist in the lab – to our attention.

Whip Mix Insights: Great Resources for Learning More About Occlusion

There are dozens of books, videos, articles, eBooks, blogs and live courses that cover the subject in detail, so I thought I would offer some of the ones I feel do a great job of explaining this most important subject. It won’t matter whether you are a novice or an experienced expert, these resources offer a lot of valuable information.

Functional Occlusion in the Digital Age [Webinar]

A comprehensive two-part webinar, delivered by Al Fillastre CDT, takes the mystery of what articulators do, when and how to implement their use in the lab, and how to incorporate them into the digital work flow to ensure achieving the end goal – the right bite.