I’m often asked to recommend educational resources for people who want to learn more about the concepts of occlusion and how apply the principles in treatment. Here are some of my recommendations.
1. ACP Primer: Fundamentals of Occlusion
Edited by Jonathan P. Wiens, DDS, MSD, FACP
Published by the American College of Prosthodontists
This multi-touch ebook establishes a fundamental knowledge and reference base for students of dental occlusion. With nearly two hours of video and 3D animations, dozens of image galleries and presentations, and review quizzes at the end of every chapter, this is a uniquely interactive learning experience.
The goal of this text is to develop concepts of occlusion based upon the best available science, combined with a consensus of the best clinical practices by leading prosthodontic educators and practitioners — and enable students of occlusion to begin their journey of discovery with a sound foundation.
Fundamentals of Occlusion is available for Apple iBooks for Mac, iPad and iPhone. It is also available at Amazon.com for the Kindle Fire tablets and Amazon’s free Kindle Reading Apps covering Windows, Mac, and Blackberry devices.
Book: https://www.prosthodontics.org/acp-publications/fundamentals-of-occlusion/
2. Functional Occlusion : From TMJ to Smile Design
by Peter E. Dawson, DDS
This book uses an interdisciplinary approach to explain the origin of and possible solutions to many different occlusal problems. Dr. Peter E. Dawson guides the reader along the way providing balanced explanations of theory and technique. He also debunks many popular misconceptions through practical discussion of their origins and the deficiencies of the arguments behind them.
Special atlas sections break down complex information accompanied by descriptive diagrams and photographs to further explain sources of occlusal disorders and related pain.
Functional Occlusion : From TMJ to Smile Design is also available as a live and online course formats.
Live course: https://thedawsonacademy.com/live-course/functional-occlusion/
Online course: https://thedawsonacademy.com/online-learning/seminar-https://thedawsonacademy.com/online-learning/seminar-one-online/one-online/
3. Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics 1st Edition
Joseph J. Massad (Author), David R. Cagna (Author), Charles J. Goodacre (Author),
Russell A. Wicks (Author), Swati A. Ahuja (Author) & 2 more
Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics offers a step-by-step guide to successfully designing and placing complete and implant-retained dentures using neutral zone concepts.
Illustrates every technique described with more than 300 color photos
- Covers all phases of complete denture therapy
- Presents a step-by-step assessment and examination protocol
- Details the importance of accurate diagnosis and prognosis prior to committing to treatment
- Describes an alternative to traditional impressioning procedures that can be accomplished in a single appointment
- Includes access to a companion website with video clips and student handouts, with teaching PowerPoints available for instructors
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Application-Neutral-Prosthodontics-Joseph-Massad-ebook/dp/B072Y4G6RB
4. The Basic Rules of Occlusion
Dr. Michael Racich
The Basic Rules of Occlusion outlines an evidenced-based practical approach to the understanding and implementation of occlusal therapy in everyday practice. An intimate understanding of these Basic Rules will enhance all aspects of the practitioners practice for the benefit of the dental team and patients. The Basic Rules of Occlusion has been written to be read quickly and effortlessly.
Dr. Racich can be contacted at: mike@drracich.ca (www.DrRacich.ca)
The Basic Rules of Occlusion can be purchased via Palmeri Publishing, 1-905-489-1970, 1-866-581-8949.
5. Bite FX Program
BiteFX brings occlusal concepts to life with a rich set of animations that are helping dentists and student dentists gain a firm grasp of the functions of the various parts of the masticatory system: tooth and jaw geometry, muscles, TMJ and the effects of occlusal disease. If you’re wanting a quick introduction to occlusion basics, check out the Occlusion Glossary that BiteFX have built into their website – you can find this at: http://www.bitefx.com/#Occlusion-Concepts-Videos.
The glossary just touches the surface of what BiteFX provides as they now have over 100 animations, useful for explaining a wide variety of topics to patients (e.g. fractures, gum and bone recession, tooth wear, bruxing, sleep apnea, treatment options such as occlusal splints and equilibration) or for more detailed study by dentists (e.g. 3D views of the TMJ, disc displacements, “long centric”, why crown space can “disappear” between impression and fitting).
They describe how BiteFX can help your practice on the page: http://www.bitefx.com/#About-BiteFX and you can take advantage of their 6-month money-back guarantee to see if it works for you or, if you want to use it as a study-aid, they have a cancel-any-time policy so you could sign-up to use BiteFX just for a few months!
I hope you enjoy the resources listed above. Many other useful and free resources, including video and eBooks, are also located in the Resource Library at www.whipmix.com.
Enjoy the in-depth learning each of these offer you.