Every fall we encourage laboratory users of liquids to estimate their consumption of those liquids through the winter months. Many of the common liquids used in the laboratory have water bases, which are subject to freezing during shipping and may render them unusable.
Primarily the liquids used for Phosphate Investments are the ones of most concern. Some of these liquids are “Freeze Stable” which simply means that they can survive a freezing without causing chemistry problems with your investment.
Some, however, are not and once frozen will never produce the results you are looking to achieve. Every Fall, we encourage laboratory users of investment liquids to estimate their consumption of those liquids through the winter months. Many of the common liquids used in the laboratory have water bases, which are subject to freezing during shipping and which may render them unusable.
In the past Whip Mix shipped liquid with every box of investment, but unfortunately, during the winter, these special liquids did not always survive and customers faced another local source search to keep in production.
Recognizing this need, Whip Mix separated the powder purchase from the liquid purchase while keeping the conglomerate cost the same. This new system allowed the user to determine how much and when, they ordered liquids or powders.
For example if you use Formula 1 and you use 100% Special Liquid Concentrate Plus in each mix, you will use more of the liquid than if you only use 75%. That Liter of liquid you order will not last as long as the 75% user. That left over liquid of the 75% user would also wind up sitting on the shelf in the lab for quite a while. Therefore, it could be said that they were, in a sense, over-purchasing. Of course, Whip Mix had no real way of knowing the use of each customer so we continued as we always had. Eventually focus on customer need created a change.
We also recognized that the powder could withstand the freezing temperatures in shipping and could be ordered as needed during the winter thus improving your monthly material forecasting.
The temperatures are just starting to dip into freezing overnight so it is that time again to look at the usage of special liquids and order them ahead of the winter’s blast.
If you need help forecasting the use of the liquids, please feel free to call us in Technical Support and we can help with some of those numbers. In any case, remember it’s important for you and your liquids to stay warm!